Daniela Pola - Heart Warrior

ChatCast with 2 besties - Dating in Sydney and Attachment Theory for the anxious and avoidant lovers out there.



In this episode Ilaria shares the latest on her Sydney lover that we're calling Dry D (its cause he likes dried mangoes guys - don't get all weird on us now). Dry D has come back on the scene, is he sticking around this time?? ... You're gonna have to listen to know more, soz.Daniela, in her usual need to understand her anxious ways in relationships and enthusiasm for emotionally unavailable men -  shares details on Attachment Theory - This is AN ACTUAL thing guys - like, people went to uni for this stuff. Attachment theory explains that the way in which people attach to their primary caregivers as babies can dictate how they attach to their lovers as adults. This theory has been really helpful for people who have found themselves in push pull relationships when one partner seems to desire intimacy only to push them away when they get close. It also holds a lot of answers for people who have a tendency to feel like they're the "needy" one in the relationship.