Intel Chip Chat

Increasing AI Application Performance with Software Optimizations – Intel® Chip Chat episode 604



Dr. Andres Rodriguez, a Senior Principal Engineer in the Data Center Group at Intel, stops by to talk about why it is so critical to optimize framework and software tools artificial intelligence applications. Intel has worked hard over the last two years to optimize popular frameworks like Caffe, TensorFlow, MXNet, and Pytorch for Intel® Xeon® processors. We’ve also developed the Intel® Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks (Intel® MKL-DNN) to accelerate deep learning workloads on Intel® architecture. Customers are now seeing the benefits of using their existing Intel Xeon processors for artificial intelligence workloads with increasingly optimized performance. For more on this topic, visit: Intel technologies’ features and benefits depend on system configuration and may require enabled hardware, software or service activation. Performance varies depending on system configuration. No computer system can be absolutely secure. Check with your system manufacturer or retailer or learn