Intel Chip Chat

ONNX and Intel® nGraph API Deliver AI Framework Flexibility – Intel® Chip Chat episode 611



Prasanth Pulavarthi, Principal Program Manager for AI Infrastructure at Microsoft, and Padma Apparao, Principal Engineer and Lead Technical Architect for AI at Intel, discuss a collaboration that enables developers to switch from one deep learning operating environment to another regardless of software stack or hardware configuration. ONNX is an open format that unties developers from specific machine learning frameworks so they can easily move between software stacks. It also reduces ramp-up time by sparing them from learning new tools. Many hardware and software companies have joined the ONNX community over the last year and added ONNX support in their products. Microsoft has enabled ONNX in Windows and Azure and has released the ONNX Runtime which provides a full implementation of the ONNX-ML spec. With the nGraph API, developed by Intel, developers can optimize their deep learning software without having to learn the specific intricacies of the underlying hardware. It enables portability between Intel®