Intel Chip Chat

Visual Cloud: Why focusing on ‘Media’ is not sufficient - Intel® Chip Chat episode 635



Media is undergoing a rapid evolution going well beyond the traditional streaming of content over a TV screen. People are addicted to their screens and expect their content to be rich, immersive, personalized and available anytime, anywhere and on any device. Delivery to these new user expectations requires the content be processed in the cloud and consumed remotely. We are calling these new visual experiences Visual Cloud. This is changing the game, introducing new challenges and driving new platform requirements leading the service providers to take an end to end platform perspective. Lynn Comp (Vice President, Data Center Group and General Manager, Visual Cloud Division, Intel Corporation) has talked about Visual Cloud in prior Chip Chat sessions. In this Chip Chat segment Lynn explains how the Media industry is transforming and why calling it ‘Media’ is simply not sufficient. Lynn also discusses the importance of on-demand cloud and transformed networks to delivery of visual workloads as we move into the