Intel Chip Chat

Visual Cloud at NAB 2019: Intel Continues Innovation in Visual Cloud – Intel® Chip Chat episode 643



During her last chip chat Lynn spoke about Visual Cloud use cases and how focusing on Media was simply insufficient. Intel continues to drive innovations in Visual Cloud. In this chip chat hear Lynn talk about Intel’s latest announcements from Intel at NAB 2019. Intel in collaboration with Netflix release into open source SVT-AV1, a highly efficient, performance rich, next generation codec for AV1. With ability to scale from VOD to real time encoding of 4k content the SVT-AV1 promises to make AV1 commercially viable. Learn why continued innovation in codecs is key to delivery of compelling user experiences at a global scale. Lynn also talks about Intel’s announcement of Open Visual Cloud, an open source project that enables a set of pre-defined reference pipelines for visual cloud use cases that are based on optimized open source software (for encode, decode, inference and render) with seamless support for standard industry frameworks. Open Visual Cloud will make it quick and easy for the ecosystem to innovat