Intel Chip Chat

Aerospike Offers Persistent Memory Solutions for Internet-Scale Data - Intel® Chip Chat episode 653



Brian Bulkowski, founder of Aerospike, joins Chip Chat to talk about how Aerospike is facilitating a new class of databases for Internet-scale customers. Aerospike is a database company that created a ground-up platform to support the larger datasets and operational databases driven by use cases like retail catalogs, fraud detection, and telecommunications. In this interview, Bulkowski discusses how Aerospike is working to support customers generating terabytes of data from billions of transactions every day and shares his thoughts on Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory, which Aerospike has found to reduce the restart time for an 8.7 TB database by up to 135x[1]. For more information on Aerospike, please visit [1] Tests performed by Intel and Aerospike as of 27 February 2019 demonstrated that an 8.7 TB database could be restarted in as little as 35 seconds on a server configured with DRAM + Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory versus up to 4,745 seconds (1 hr 19 m 5 s) on a server configured wi