Intel Chip Chat

Tackling Massive Scientific Challenges with AI/HPC Convergence – Intel® Chip Chat episode 661



Brandon Draeger, Senior Director of Product Marketing at Cray, joins Chip Chat to discuss the unique needs of HPC customers and how new Intel® technologies in Cray systems are helping to deliver improved performance and scalability. The Cray CS500 supercomputer includes standard rack configurations, a variety of cooling options, and a flexible software stack for users who are still investigating HPC deployments or just starting out. The XC50 that is more customizable with higher bin CPUs, accelerators, and custom interconnects as well as deployment support from Cray. Both lines are built to meet the core challenges facing HPC customers today. More and more, we are seeing the convergence of AI and HPC – users investigating how they can use AI to complement what they are already doing with their HPC workloads. This includes using machine and deep learning to analyze results from a simulation, or using AI techniques to steer where to take a simulation on the fly. One of the 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalabl