Intel Chip Chat

How to Protect Critical Data within Your Cloud Infrastructure – Intel® Chip Chat episode 662



In this episode of Intel Chip Chat, Pat Conte, Senior VP of Global Business Development at HyTrust talks about the ever-evolving security landscape and the work they are doing to deliver a more secure cloud infrastructure. HyTrust is a cybersecurity company focused on locking down virtual infrastructure that support all cloud environments, and protecting the critical data within the cloud workloads. Security is a top priority for IT managers, and HyTrust partners with Intel to help secure the underlying infrastructure. Pat chats about BoundaryControl, a HyTrust solution that integrates Intel® Trusted Execution Technology (Intel TXT) and Intel® Trusted Platform Modules (Intel TPM) technologies to essentially put a boundary around a designated server or servers to help ensure that workload is only getting executed on the server that you designate it to. New capabilities and evolving landscape gives Intel and HyTrust the opportunity to enhance encryption and geo-fencing and adopt new Intel® Security Technologies