Intel Chip Chat

AI for Social Good - Intel® Chip Chat episode 667



Artificial intelligence is a powerful, disruptive technology, and Anna Bethke wants to use that power for good. Bethke is the head of AI for Social Good at Intel Artificial Intelligence. She and her team connect social good organizations with the expertise and technology they need to accomplish their mission. Bethke, often working with the Intel® Software Innovator Program, has supported a variety of organizations and innovators. Her partners have used AI to help locate missing children, build better wheelchairs, improve agriculture, and test water purity. AI for Social Good also seeks to support more ethical and transparent AI. Artificial intelligence can amplify human biases depending on what data is fed into algorithms, and training AI with appropriate data can help mitigate the effects of bias. Bethke acknowledges that everyone has a different idea of what it means to be ethical, but contends that with conversation and education, we can build AI that solves problems and promotes positive change. For mor