Intel Chip Chat

A Blueprint for Multi-Cloud Success- Intel Chip Chat episode 669



Brian Kelly, CEO of CloudGenera, joins us to discuss what it will take for enterprises to realize success in multi-cloud adoption. A good multi-cloud strategy includes a right mix of on- and off premises investments. As organizations address and reduce their technical debt, improve the economics and cost transparency in the data center, and establish best practices for making workload placement decisions, they will uncover their right mix. The smartest organizations will operate in a multi-cloud environment leveraging the best that private and public cloud can afford. CloudGenera provides vendor-agnostic IT analysis for a clear view of private, hybrid and public cloud solutions to help enterprises speed time to digital transformation. CloudGenera’s algorithms automate decisions for workload placement as well as simulate business cases for workload transformation to achieve better value for spend, lower risk, and improve performance. CloudGenera teamed with Intel to write “The Blueprint for Cloud Success,”