Down To Earth: Cornell Conversations About

Season 4 Episode 1 Science communication



Have you ever wondered why people seem to disagree on issues that seem to be supported by mounds of evidence from science? Have you been curious about why some people refuse to get vaccinated? Wonder why more people don't support funding to further advance our understanding of the world around us? These are questions we are going to answer this season on Down To Earth.    This coming season/year we will be covering science communication. Although there are a lot of podcasts out there on science or climate change, very few discuss the process of communicating about science, environment, and health. The first 8 episodes of this season will cover the basics of science communication and then we will dive into storytelling and stand-up comedy as a means for engaging wider audiences in science. Much of the content is based on my lectures from the courses I teach in science communication. I am joined by two Cornell undergraduate students, Briana and Daniel, who provide additional insights on the topics, ex