Soma Spokane Sermons

17 | Church in Context



The health and strength of each and every local church is Paul’s number one priority in his letters to Timothy and Titus. In Acts, we see Paul’s concern to preach the gospel and make disciples all around the Roman Empire. But his ministry doesn’t end there — he moves to gather new disciples into churches, to establish local leadership, and to commission each church to continue making disciples in their context. As he established these churches, he wanted them to have clear gospel doctrine and gracious gospel culture, so that they could be faithful witnesses to the gospel. In the final chapter of his letter to Titus, Paul tells him to ‘remind’ the church of the importance of how they interact with a hostile world, committing themselves to good and gracious service to all people at all times and in all ways. As people who’ve been rescued graciously by Jesus and given the gift of his Spirit, disciples of Jesus live a humble and courageous life of kindness toward all people.