Beware Of Monsters Podcast

Book 2 Chapter 10: Captain America Civil War SPOILED



This weeks episode of Beware of Monsters is brought to you by the charming people over at Peaceful Wellness.          Kane Gilmour Jeremy Robinson Christopher Ouellette Talking Captain America Civil War (Just like they did for Batman v Superman)      Christopher also talked about:     Promo: Pop Culture Affidavit Presents: Origin Story Robinson Fest You can get Apocalypse Machine here. Watch the Jeremy Puppet Rap here. Download it for free here. Jeremy's other interview on BoM pod Jeff Zornow on BoM pod Matt Frank on BoM pod Here is the BoM breakdown of Deadpool Come say "Hi!" To get the newsletter and Jeremy Robinson's Project Nemesis Kaiju Thriller Novel for free, sign up here. Presented by: Jeremy Robinson Hosted By Christopher Ouellette  With Music by Mercury Radio Theater and Blaster the Rocket Man, and Professor Elemental