Aspen Chapel: A Spiritual Home For Everyone

" Coming to Our Senses " with Nicholas Vesey, September 4th, 2016



Last week we looked at starting out again. That idea that we have to continually re-commit to the journey and not let ourselves become complacent about it. It is so easy to just ‘go through the motions’, especially in a spiritual life. You just keep turning up in the hope that things will be OK. But that is bound to lead to disillusionment as we gradually realize that we are not developing. More than that – if we are not developing, are going shrinking, because nothing stays the same. The result is that we give up. Coming here to the Aspen Chapel, give up our practice, or even give up thinking that spiritual life is going to make a difference. We have to keep life fresh. And that means savoring each moment for what it can offer. Last week I talked again of those three steps. Holding your nerve, putting one foot in front of the other and responding to circumstances in a loving way Today we are looking at that first step – holding your nerve. Or as I put it on the service sheet ‘Coming to your Senses’. Supp