Kicking Goals With Georgia Perry

Reprogram the way you show up and recreate your path with Jemaine Finlay



Jemaine Finlay is a lady on a mission. I could feel the passion and drive in her voice the entire episode! Jem revealed the challenges she faced throughout school and her early 20’s. After saying yes to personal development, making sacrifices and reprogramming the way she was showing up in life she has now created an opportunity driven path. She is an NLP Practitioner, Empowerment Coach, Naturopath and Fitness Coach. She has the power to manifest and create anything she sets her mind to and so can you! Enjoy and dont forget to share this episode with your tribe. Love, Georgia xx Podcast Recommendations: @jemaine.finlay_natropath Sip and Social @sociallyem Samantha Wills Coco Studio Designs @cocostudiodesigns The Energy Codes - Dr. Sue Morter The whole detox Dr. Deanna Minich The Biology of Belief - Bruce Lupton The 5am Club @robinsharma