Susan Hyatts Rich Coach Club

Environmental Detox: What Are You Taking In That's Costing You?



What are you taking in? Whether you know it or not, your environment impacts you. Everything from your physical environment (like your home office), your media environment (like the shows you watch or the people you follow online), and your social environment (like friendships) influence how you move through the world. It’s so important to evaluate what things in your environment are toxic and sweep that hot mess out of your life.  My friend Melissa is a writer of Lifetime Movies. You know those terrifying thrillers about stalking, or kidnapping, or other horrific happenings.  Melissa is a huge fan of my book, BARE, and when she got to the chapter on environmental detox she had a sinking feeling of dread. She’s good at compartmentalizing her movies from her real life. But, Melissa realized that the research phase of her movies, specifically coming up with new ideas was quite toxic.  Hunting for new ideas, Melissa would spend hours consuming horrifying forums on Reddit, constantly listening to true crime podca