
Champions Dedicate Their Lives To Greatness



Mental Toughness Secret #41 "To succeed in life, one must have determination and must be prepared to suffer during the process. If one isn't prepared to suffer during adversities, I don't really see how he can be successful." - Gary Player Professional performers are the most dedicated people alive. Action Step For Today: Ask this critical thinking question: "How much am I willing to struggle and suffer to make my vision a reality?" Is it a little, a fair amount, a lot, or whatever it takes? World-Class Resource: Pick a biography of your favorite champion and read it cover to cover. This will give you an idea of the level of dedication it takes to become one of the great ones. Next month, read another biography. After a few of these books, you'll begin to see a pattern in each champion's thinking and dedication to their dream. Develop the habit of reading biographies of world-class performers and you'll reap the benefits of their wisdom and experience https://linktr.ee/LemieuxLegacy