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RECLAIMING MANHOOD - pt1 - Reclaiming Man's Purpose



In “Reclaiming Man’s Purpose” Rodney shares that the average man doesn’t know what it means to be a “man” anymore. Males are confused about their purpose, identity, role, and significance. Manhood has become illusive to them. But, every man was made with a purpose in their heart, mind, and hand. Every person needs to know they were created for purpose and to have dominion over the garden God has placed them in. In the beginning of creation, God gave man responsibility and authority. He instructed him to provide and protect. Since the fall and initial sin of mankind, males have struggled with their understanding and ability to reigning and having dominion. Reclaiming one’s God-given manhood to reign and rule begins with first dealing with your personal unresolved sin. Sin produces death, toil, and struggle. Sin will keep you from experiencing God’s perfect purpose in your life. The first step to reclaiming your rightful position in the Kingdom of God is to come out from hiding and allow God to deal