Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

The Debt That Is Owed: Reparations & the Descendants of US Chattel Slavery



Reparations: The Debt That Is Owed ::: Reparations Series Episode #1:  "The Debt That Is Owed": Reparations  & the Descendants of US Chattel Slavery      Guest:  Dr. William "Sandy" Darity, Jr. and A. Kirsten Mullen  Co-Authors, "From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century", A. Kirsten Mullen is a lecturer whose work focuses on race, art, history, and politics; Darity Jr. is an American economist and researcher. The wealth of the United States was for the most part greatly enhanced by the exploitation of African American slave labor: some argue it is the bedrock for the U.S. economy and capitalism. However, former slaves and their descendants are among the poorest demographic in America. Accordingly, reparations would be valuable primarily as a way of correcting modern economic imbalances. The call for reparations has intensified in 2020. More injustices and discrimination have continued since slavery was outlawed in the US. Black communities and civil rights org