Killer Media Sales

Understanding the landscape through a different lens



Sometimes it is good to take a step back and gain a view of the bigger picture in the media landscape. Gaining insights into the industry can sometimes be difficult when you are standing in the middle of the crowd, and opinions from the other side of the fence can be extremely valuable.   In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Host Alex Whitlock is joined by Paul Glossop, Director of Pure Property Investment, who is a regular purchaser of advertising on Momentum Media’s network. Paul provides a valuable insight into how he uses media as a network to find clients, how he maximises his opportunities through media buying, and how his experience has been in finding the right channel to target.    Alex and Paul also discuss the pitfalls of media sales agents when discussing new products, what media buyers are looking for, and how big words can sometimes deliver very little.   Tune in to hear this and much more on this episode of Killer Media Sales.