Evolve U

Ep. 103: Speak More with Confidence w/ Benny Salas



In this episode, Dr. Bryan is joined by Benny Salas, the Founder & CEO of That Coaching Guy, INC. As an Executive Business Coach, Keynote Speaker, and Speaker Coach, Benny's purpose is to empower people to Be, Do, and Create what they were meant for. Benny has been a speaker since the age of 19 yrs old, speaking to thousands of youth and adults. Having served over 50k+ people through public speaking, social media, and video content. As a professional coach of 11 years with over 10K of coaching and training hours, Benny continues to master the art of coaching as a certified professional executive coach and speaker coach. Benny coaches on an international platform that serves executive clients in the areas of professional and personal development. Benny holds a B.A. in Organizational Leadership from Trinity International University, and coaching training from Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) as Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), International Coaching Federation as an Associate Certified