
Champions Develop Bravery In The Battle For Their Dream



Mental Toughness Secret #35 "The world has a way of giving what is demanded of it. If you are frightened and look for failure and poverty, you will get them, no matter how hard you may try to succeed. Lack of faith in yourself, in what life will do for you, cuts you off from the good things of the world. Expect victory and you make victory. Nowhere is the truer than in business life, where bravery and faith bring both material and spiritual rewards." - Preston Bradley Action Step For Today: Make a list of ten things you're afraid to do, and decide to push past your fear and do one of them. The sense of exhilaration you'll feel will only be exceeded by the confidence you'll gain. World-class Resource: Invest ten minutes reading a few of the stories and prayers written by parents who have a child fighting cancer. These people are some of the bravest on the planet. Visit www.kidscancernetwork.org/prayerlist.html https://linktr.ee/LemieuxLegacy