Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

The Lazy Truckers of America



THE LAZY TRUCKERS OF AMERICA. America is hurting right now and truck drivers that refuse to work are no help. A high percentage of Truckers are still at home collecting money while their brothers and sisters are out on the long road delivering freight across America. This is not only a trucker problem but also a person problem. Ever since the covid-19 issues in 2020, Americans are still trying to hold onto the free money that was given out during uncertain times. Many Americans have been getting an extra chunk of money added unto their unemployment compensation. Many people are taking home $900 per week or better which means there is no need to work. The government has been basically paying people to stay home. What this does is, it insights laziness. Which n turn puts a strain more and more on the working class people, after all it is their labor that is supporting the man that refuses to work. It also is putting America more in debt by the second. We need you. When the corona virus struck last year,