Parenting In The Thick Of It With Louise Clarke

521: Parenting – You Have to Train for It!



Just like athletes have to train for the “game”, I believe that we, as parents, have to put in the training too. We are, after all, on the court, field, course, track, whatever you wish you call it, ALL.THE.TIME. We are actually rarely off the hook and yet do we really prepare for it, train for it and continue to raise our bars? We really should be training for this more than anything else in our lives, yet do we? Tune in… If you would like to join my private Facebook Group, Parenting In The Thick Of It and join thousands of like-minded parents and get some support, please join me via the link below: FOLLOW ME ONLINE HERE: Website: Book: Parenting The Modern Teen: Parenting In The Thick Of It Family Organizer: Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: