Become Husayni

Juz 27 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an



As the theme-based approach to Juz 25, 26 and 27 draws to a close, this episode focuses on the grand capacity of God’s mercy by looking at two specific forms of it: His hidayah (God’s extra guidance) and His maghfirah (forgiveness). This is an important topic as God’s forgiveness holds a massive role throughout the Quran, whereby Allah (swt) consistently mentions the showering of His mercy upon us. The episode covers the close relationship between the themes of maghfirah and hidayah, by exploring how both of them together helps our journey towards God, and the ways in which both work as manifestations of Allah’s (swt) mercy.   Learn more: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch or listen to our series on any of the channels below: Social Media YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: