Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

Rapture Series: Session 03



Session 03 in our study on The Rapture of the Church. Today we examine who is eligible for the Rapture of the Church. What is the Church. We will examine the bible and contrast the true Church with the false Church found in Revelation 2:18-3:12. We show that not all Churches will make it. Some will be judged in the Great Tribulation and some will be purified and some will be Raptured. We biblically define the Church Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 2:11-3:12, Acts 1:5, 2;1-4, Romans 11:16-24. A ture understanding of the fetching of the Bride of Christ John 14:1-6 is a purifying doctrine that keeps the Church watchful. Shalom, Keith