Lifes Black Belts With Eric Alders

Episode #36 - Alison Donaghey



Alison Donaghey was a single mom on welfare when she met a guy who relapsed into drug addition.   After they moved in together, his addition to drugs and alcohol resurfaced and he died 6 years later. She was on welfare and didn’t know what to do so she started her own house painting business. She now has a great life, her son is taking over the business and she has another business called "Domino Thinking" where she challenges people to think about what they think about. She is the best-selling author of "Think Opposite: Using the Domino Effect to Change Your Business, Change the World." Now available on Amazon. Allison believes that when we own that our lives are the way they are because of the choices we make, we can reconnect with our own inherent self worth and no longer have to be victims to others.  Alison is open and candid about a lot of significant moments in her life that helped shape her into the person she is today.  Her advice is both real and impactful. That's why she is