Become Husayni

Juz 17 of 30 | Journeying our eyes through the Qur'an



Juz 17 of the Holy Qur'an consists of two surahs, Surah al-Anbiya and Surah Hajj. Surah al-Anbiya contains references to 17 prophets. The surah delves into the stories of Prophet Ayub (as), Prophet Yunus (as), and Prophet Zackariyah (as). The story of Prophet Zackariyah (as) specifically touches on a very prevalent issue in our society today, infertility. The common thread in all these stories is that our prophets all suffered and when they wanted to find solace, they all turned to Allah (swt). We can use this as a lesson in our lives and as a point of reflection. When we are struck with difficulty, do we sincerely ask Allah (swt) for help? When we are in a difficult position, we should remember our prophets and make dua to Allah (swt) to remove the affliction and ease our heart with whatever He deems is best for us. Learn more: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch or listen to our series on any of the channels below: Soc