Horse Wise

Wendy Murdoch and her Sure Foot Equine Stability Program



Episode 57: Wendy Murdoch is an internationally recognized teacher, clinician and author — as well as the creator of the Sure Foot Equine Stability Program. A trained scientist, Wendy has dedicated much of her professional life to the study of the equine nervous system. A serious riding injury in the 1980s drew Wendy into the world of the human nervous system — and how to teach the body to relearn stability and balance again. In addition to the innovative Sure Foot program for horses, Wendy has pioneered news ways to teaching riding instruction in fun ways that include her knowledge of horse and human nervous systems. Her avid curiosity about learning theory combined with her passion about horses  makes Wendy especially fun to interview! Please check out her work at At Horse Wise, I teach people tools so that they can learn how to coach themselves and their horses to progress together as a team. It’s a fun process that shows you how build a good partnership with your horse (in a pra