Keepin It Real With Janean

Jeremy Hammond: Digging Deep (Ep 115)



Independent investigative journalists dig for the truth regardless of where it lands. The importance of being openminded as opposed to confirmation bias can not be overstated. Be curious about all sides of an argument. How else can you make a truly informed decision???? The government IS the vaccine industry. Would vaccines still be around if they were a free market industry? The history of broad legal immunity against lawsuits for the vaccine industry has eliminated the incentive to produce safe vaccines. Why isn't money and research put into why some people develop disease and others do not? Viruses are communicators that can up regulate our bodies with survival benefits. Viruses do not kill people.... it is the bodies inflammatory response!!! Dr. Paul Thomas, Portland pediatrician: study of rates of chronic illness in those who have been variably vaccinated vs those not vaccinated. Jeremy Hammond is an independent journalist and political analyst. He was the publisher and editor of Foreign Policy Jo