Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond

MOLIAE - CLIP SNIPPET - "When A General Is Born"- Episode 23 - Season 1 2017-2018



In this week CLIP SNIPPET Podcast Episode 23: "When A General Is Born" Featuring Special Guest Mr. Reese Haines - The short stories continue with Comrade Jetur returning back to Mitsrayim as the visit with Sanel territory to get another clue to where someone dear to him and the Crown of Mitsrayim whereabouts continues after the war – but the young Comrade Jetur finds nothing as he heads back to Mitsrsayim. This is the moment he gets welcomed and meets the King. It is Comrade Jetur rank has been promoted as THE COMRADE of MITSRAYIM Forces. Become a Patron to find out what happens next in this pertinent episode that places the pieces together to how and when Jetur became the General in the Mitsrayim / MOLIAE storyline. *To get the full short story, this week starts only the clip snippet from the full story, thus, listeners must become a Patron of the Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond Podcast Patron Program, at To recap, from last week ...We observed the arrival o