Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond

MOLIAE - "King Mahlon Reign Supreme in the Sudan" - Episode 41- Season 2 2018-2019



In this week Episode 41 "King Mahlon Reign Supreme in the Sudan" for the full release of short story for the December Month Shorts of Short Stories. The King of Mitsrayim advances more onto the world scene with a few new characters from the MOLIAE Universe storyline of the book and theatrical productions. Let’s do highlights for this week episode that we will focus on Episode 41 “King Mahlon reign supreme in the Sudan” where we find King Mahlon entering the Domain of Sudan Rule where the Congeto Tribal Leaders in attendance in the land we call now the Congo and other dignities that will change the movement from against Mitsrayim into an even stronger force. There is another reveal showcasing the young future ruler Daniy’el of Kodesh that will be one of the key Kings to connect with King Mahlon future daughter named Princess Aamina. Recap from last week was on Director Clip Notes for Episode 34-36 for episodes entitled “34 Mighty one revealed among many” and Episode 35 “An Allegiance bestows with Lanko” an