Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond

BONUS - Press Release - Atlantis - New Epic Story



A new story by influential creator and Director, Ms. Nichel Anderson of her take on "Atlantis" an expansion of her production "MOLIAE" universe into this epic story being debut February 2019 on podcast show "Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond" "Atlantis" Youtube Promo Video : Background of "Atlantis" by Nichel Anderson : "We enter the timeline of Atlantis where the royal family is of those of "Acobi" with three children by his wife "Lageni" in which the celestial balance recently experience more upheaval requiring leadership to steer a new course against those persisted to destroy and con-conquer for domination. Upon the birth of his youngest children, "The Twins", a brother and sister, named "Arinte and Makato brings forth the new purpose of divine intervention and to keep the peace within the domain of Atlantis, the planet now called Earth and those in the Galactical Realm of Order. This will be a full release of the production story "Atlantis" for the month of Febr