Unknown Words With Matthew Anderson

#1 - Amanda Kaye Stein & Melinda Dubbs



Here it is, the first episode. Today, Amanda Kaye Stein's short story, "Fixed", revolves around a woman's shattered relationship and her difficult return to an unforgiving sister. Melinda Dubbs' "Transubstantiation" is a surreal, dream-like story of an enigmatic woman's penance and one man's obsessive fascination with her. Conversation topics: Feminism, women writers, domestic abuse, young adult literature, gender roles, writing process, art, flash fiction, poetry, sexuality, repression, Catholicism, goals.   Check out and purchase Amanda Kaye Stein's visual artwork here: www.etsy.com/shop/AmandaKayeSteinShe also works as a freelance writer and visual artist you can contact on guru here: www.guru.com/freelancers/amanda…estein_writing_art Read Melinda Dubb's "Transubstantiation" here: fuckfiction.net/?s=transubstantiationand read some of her other work at www.melindadubbs.wordpress.com All of the music in this episode was made by MUSHwww.soundcloud.com/mushmusicwww.facebook.com/mushmusic   If you have a story