Unknown Words With Matthew Anderson

#7 - "Teach Me Equals"



The first musicians episode of Unknown Words features the band Teach Me Equals, a duo whose music radio host Alastair St. Hill coined the term "scrape-rock" to describe. Orchestral. Chamber-rock. Cinematic. Punk with a cello and violin. These musicians can be described in many ways because they are many things. Their debut album, "Knives in the Hope Chest", will be available everywhere September 16th. Conversation Topics: classical music, Wagner, inspiration, influence, St.Vincent, cello, violin, guitar, biography, history, nature, tour, songwriting, collaboration, musical families, film, expression. Listen to them on SoundCloud and YouTube and follow them on Facebook and Twitter and www.teachmeequals.com.   If you have a story between 1,000 and 4,000 words that you'd like to submit, or are a musician who'd like to be featured, send your work to: unknownwordspodcast@gmail.com   You can also follow the show on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.