Unknown Words With Matthew Anderson

#13 - Ben Nardolilli



Ambiguity is almost a character form in Ben Nardolilli's poetry. It reoccurs, it antagonizes, and is even victimized by the reader. It occurs in the forests, swirling around alien telephone poles, it emits from a boastful, personals ad, it tortures the poet as some unfaithful shade of a memory. And after all his poems, Ben can still write a detective novel about a pop artist. His work has appeared in Yes Poetry, Grey Sparrow Journal, Quail Bell Magazine, & Rabbit Catastrophe Review. He has a chapbook of poetry entitled "Common Symptoms of an Enduring Chill Explained" published by Folded Word Press. Ben's writing website.   Poems featured this episode: (4:00) - Soliloquy in Late May (10:33) - Dull & Confused (18:00) - Personals Ad #18 (24:07) - We May Abandon (30:07) - Empower Lines (43:39) - No Chance for a Sequel   Conversation Topics: DC, Arlington, NYU, writing, narrative, literature, poetry, fiction, submissions, noir, music, detective, crime novel, history, losers, confederacy, nazis, empire, de