Unknown Words With Matthew Anderson

#16 - Calvero



Calvero is a poet whose work veers from place to place. It is crass, even silly one moment, then the next, it is nestling into a tender spot you never thought it would fit in. His metaphors become characters, his plots are hyperbole, but his characters seem to always find their way back to the familiar, somtimes touching or painful places, and I think you'll be surprised by where your sympathies lie. Calvero has a book of poetry available, Someday I'm Going to Marry Katy Perry from University of Hell press.  His work has appeared in Hobart, Metazen, Unreality House, Salt Hill Journal and pressboardpress.  You can follow him on Twitter (@CalveroHasCats) and on his tumblr, www.calveropoetry.tumblr.com.   Music by: Kidswaste - facebook & twitter MUSH - facebook & twitter   If you would like to submit work to the show, between 1,000 and 4,000 words, send it to: unknownwordspodcast@gmail.comFacebook Twiter Instagram