Unknown Words With Matthew Anderson

#24 - Christine Stoddard



In today's short story, "Breakfast Inside the Beltway," a young woman meets an eccentric old southern man whose eccentricities hide a life of real tragedy. Yet, that is exactly what they have in common, for at least one small era in each of their lives.  Christine is a prolific fiction and non-fiction writer. Her writing has appeared in Cosmopolitan, The Feminist Wire, Bustle, The Southeast Review, and elsewhere. She is the editor of Quail Bell Magazine.  Her writing as well as her film and visual artwork can be found at: wordsmithchristine.com   Conversation Topics: writing, literature, film, filmmaking, Stacey Steers, journalism, non-fiction, hustling, marriage, childhood, art.    Music by HXXS - ghettohexes.com MUSH   If you would like to submit fiction, non-fiction, or poetry to the show, between 1,000 and 4,000 words, send it to: unknownwordspodcast@gmail.com Follow the show Twitter Facebook Instagram