Unknown Words With Matthew Anderson

#28 - Kendra Fortmeyer



The flash fictions of Kendra Fortmeyer all share a magical realist quality and a melancholy, yet sometimes sweet, sense of humor. Hear three of her stories on today's episode, spread throughout our conversation that ranged from writing, the (imagined) Carolinas rivalry, Amy Bender, and stories from Kendra's dreams.  Her work has appeared in PANK, Monkeybicycle, The Toast, Five Quarterly and elsewhere. She edits fiction for Broad! Magazine.  Today's stories can be found at Wyvern Lit, People Holding, and Cheap Pop.    Topics: writing, literature, publishing, David Bowie, magical realism, surrealism, teaching, dreams, mermaids, apocalypse, flash fiction, storytelling, influence.    All music by MUSH   If you would like to submit writing, (fiction, non-fiction, or poetry) between 1,000 and 4,000 words, send it to: unknownwordspodcast@gmail.com   Follow the show Twitter Facebook Instagram