Unknown Words With Matthew Anderson

#29 - J.P. Kemmick



It is one grand confession, one grand act of admitting love that the main character of today's story, Marlese, hopes will shift her life back toward the intimacy she once knew. But this confession is for a total stranger. On top of that, her friends are too busy making grilled cheese sandwiches by the dozens for some mysterious purpose to give much advice on love. J.P. Kemmick's story is one that has a premise of soap opera like obsession, but instead, his story takes a much more endearing, and funny turn. This story first appeared in J.P.'s collection of stories, Space City, USA. You can order a copy by emailing him at: orderspacecityusa@gmail.com His writing has appeared in Beechers, A Capella Zoo, Toad, Barrelhouse and elsewhere.    Conversation Topics: writing, moving, literature, reading, surrealism, fabulism, Portland, Karen Russell, female characters   All music by MUSH   If you would like to submit writing between 1,000 and 4,000 words, fiction, non-fiction or poetry, send it to: unknownwordspodcast@g