Modern Living With Dr. Angela

How to Build a Universe in Six Days with Terry Haines



Terry Haines came to faith in Christ through the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ at Central Michigan University.  Also while at CMU, Terry met and married his wife Debby over 40 years ago.  They have three children and nine grandchildren.  The Terry Haines family home-schooled their children starting in the 1980s.  Those were pioneer times in the home school movement, times when its legality was not yet fully established. Due in part to some of his home school experiences, Terry has had an interest in politics and public policy for several years. Terry’s occupations were office, education, and security related. He is now retired. The Terry Haines family home-schooled their children starting in the 1980s.  Those were pioneer times in the home school movement, times when its legality was not yet fully established.  Due in part to some of his home school experiences, Terry has had an interest in politics and public policy for several years. Terry’s occupations were office, education, and security relat