Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Awakened to Being Fully Alive



All of us have experienced falling asleep and dreaming so vividly we believe it is really happening, only to wake and need some time to figure out where we are and what’s really going on. This is what happens when we encounter the resurrected Lord of life. Jesus wakes us from our slumber, making us fully alive, fully awake. And he draws us into the larger story he is carrying out in this world. QUESTIONS • Can you remember having a dream that seemed so real that when you awoke it took a moment to collect yourself, know where you were and what was really going on—it was just a dream? Share how it made you feel knowing it was a dream all along. • How has your relationship with Jesus opened your eyes to realities you were previously unaware of? What has excited you about what he has revealed? Or, what are you most grateful for being in a relationship with the resurrected Lord of life? • Describe the peace Christ has brought to your life. • Have you ever experienced the joy of leading another person to faith in