Susan Hyatts Rich Coach Club

How to Go From Performative Allyship to Lifelong Allyship with Susan Hyatt



Are you “hoping” and “wishing” and “thinking about” making an impact, or are you actually DOING it? There is nothing wrong with posting a supportive message on Instagram. That’s fine. If you wanna do that, great. It’s good to create awareness. But I wanna know…what are you doing AFTER that? What are you doing IN ADDITION to that?  -- KEEP UP- Get weekly reminders and pep talks straight to your phone. Text RCCUpdate to +1 (812) 408-1823 The University for Life Coach Training- Are you interested in becoming a Certified Life Coach? Apply here: FREE RESOURCE: 30 Ways You Can Educate Yourself, Stand in Solidarity with your BIPOC friends, Fight Racism, and Build a Better World