Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Your Life Is Your Prayer



Love is all there is, Love is all that matters. Truer words have never been spoken. During moments of despair, the ONLY thing that's heals is LOVE. Through prayer, intentions, faith, trust, compassion, meditation, acts of kindness, all of which are LOVE, we truly heal. Love is all around us and is so easy to spread. PRAYER in whatever form is LOVE. The written words in Prayers for Healing allow us to give love to one another easily, energetically, and freely. It costs nothing to send love to another. It's easy to do and can be done from anywhere. We can send love to ourselves as well - in reality, we do that each time we send love to another. WIN-WIN! Don't you just love that? 365 Blessings, Poems, and Meditations that will transform your life, the lives of others, and all the work is done for you. You need only read the words, or speak them outloud, as you feel them in your heart and YOU become the source of LOVE from which you are made.