Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Just Two Choices: It Is YOUR Life!



Where do your expectations come from?   What drives them?  Why aren't you always aware of them?  How do you come to peace after becoming upset by an expectation gone unmet? Ben Winters' biggest passion is exploring the mind. In all of his personal growth work, the one constant was that it all stems from the mind. Between personal growth and improv, he found this weird realm called expectations. And while most people would shy away from such a thing, he decided to tackle it head-on. Along his journey, he decided that “the only reason anyone gets upset is because an expectation hasn’t been met.” and he began teaching that in his Success Improv business.  From there, he noticed that there has to be a way to use that upset feeling to fix the situation. And he created the amazing “How to stop being upset” flow chart. Learn how you can increase communication with yourself and others.