

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Chandler Vannoy are joined by Michael Hyatt, blogger, speaker, former chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, and author of many books including Win at Work and Succeed at Life. They discuss the following questions: Explain why you wrote the book.Why would you say overworking is such a problem these days, and especially in the church?Why do we need to understand the balance between areas of our lives?Why do you think the cult of overwork is so prevalent?How can pastors create boundaries and restraints to be more healthy in this area?How do you continue to add boundaries as you move to a higher level of leadership?What habits or practices have you created in your life?What's the best piece of leadership advice you've ever been given?What do you mean by delegation as development?What do you want your leadership legacy to be? BEST QUOTES "I thought I had reached the pinnacle of success, but what I discovered was that it was a f