Instructional Designers In Offices Drinking Coffee

Drink'n'Draw - Creating eLearning Scenario Characters from 3D Apps with Kevin Thorn



Welcome to another Drink'n'Draw with Kevin Thorn on IDIODC. In past episodes we've kept the concepts very basic to help our instructional design colleagues begin to realize their own creative talents. But in this episode we're going to move into the digital world.Kevin is going to teach us how to create our own eLearning scenario characters from digital versions of the classic figure model. He'll share some of the tools that currently exist, but then we'll dive in and create our own character using a couple different methods.These are tips and tricks for quickly creating your own characters for your eLearning courses. Of course you can still simply settle for buying the same character libraries that everyone else buys. But what fun is that? These methods will help you create the perfect character for that perfect branching learning scenario. The next time you're building a scenario or simulation and can't find that perfect character/avatar, you'll be armed with the knowledge to create your own.Join us and let