Value Adds Value!

#314: Discourse Builds Relationships



Welcome to Value Adds Value! We are thrilled to introduce the newest season of the podcast in which we will be focusing exclusively on relationships. In this episode we discuss why discourse is required for relationships and how it seems to be more challenging than ever.  Let's define it. Discourse- a formal discussion of a topic in speech or writing We focused on the word formal for our discussion and how formalities are lacking in the current political and social climate in our country. We hear a lot on TV and in social media that the "other side" isn't willing to listen or change their perspective." Or we hear in within our social circles that you just don't talk about race, politics, religion or finances. These are just excuses people use because they don't want to have their point of view challenged or feel uncomfortable. This can't be us as teachers. We can not be people who shun discourse. We can't be afraid to be called out for our shortcomings or be unwilling to listen to the perspectives of oth