The Dm's Deep Dive With Mike Shea

Ability Checks, Failing Forward, and Succeeding with a Cost



Mike gives a short talk about ability checks, failing forward, and succeeding with a cost. Show notes Original Youtube Video Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter Join Sly Flourish's Patreon Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master Podcast Contents: 00:00 Intro 00:38 The core mechanic of D&D 01:35 You don't need an ability check for easy stuff 02:02 Easy steps to choose a DC 03:04 DCs don't change based on the character's abilities 03:52 The power of improvising ability checks 04:32 Ability checks in complicated situations 07:08 Understand the in-world situation instead of focusing on mechanics 09:09 Asking for a check without a DC to see if they succeed at a cost 10:45 The improvisational power of ability checks, succeeding at a cost, and failing forward