Working Title With Keisean Raines

Working on Positivity with Trevilia Hodge



Trevilia Hodge is a celebrated playwright, author, mindset coach, filmmaker and philanthropist. She has a heart the size of Texas and it shows in her tireless volunteerism with numerous charities in the DFW. In 2019, she started a positive mindset movement with her first e-book, The Positive Diet - 21 Day Positive Mindset Challenge. Trevilia's sold out play, “The Otherside” was debuted in Dallas in January 2020. Due to the overwhelming response from the audience she decide to take segments of the play and add them into highly anticipated documentary, Make Room for Me - Unapologetically Fat in America. Trevilia’s life mission is to help people heal and see themselves as perfectly flawed. Her belief is once people accepted themselves for who they are the world can heal. Follow her on all social platforms at Baldhead Baddie or